Anne Bailey had her 15 month checkup today(a little late). She did so good and of course showed out for all the nurses by smiling so big and scrunching her nose up. She weighs 24lbs 8ozs which is in the 67th percentile for weight. She is also 31 inches long and is in the 55 percentile for length. Dr. Price was very impressed by Anne Bailey's extensive vocabulary and ability to point out certain body parts when asked. Of course Ruff and I think she is a little genius so it makes us happy when her Doctor thinks so too! One thing we discussed today was her not wanting to eat much. Dr. Price assured me this is normal for her age and eventually she will eat when she is hungry. We started a vitamin today just to be sure. Anne Bailey also had to get 3 shots today which did not make her very happy. She cried and then got so mad that there were band aids on her legs. She did not want them anywhere near her and kept taking them off. Silly girl!
Here are a few pictures from snack time today!
Ready for her favorite snack, goldfish! As you can see her baby and monkey join her for every meal!
Baby need a quick kiss during snack
Goldfish are yummy
Looking for one more