Saturday, May 15, 2010

4D ultrasound and 28 week checkup

Yesterday we had our 4D ultrasound! We were so excited to see Anne Bailey for the first time and see whose features she had. Like all the other ultrasounds, Anne Bailey was not very cooperative. She was rolled up in a little ball and moves very fast so it was hard to get many pictures of her face. We did get a few good shots.

We think she is beautiful!!! Ruff and I both agree that she has my nose and his lips. We think she will be the perfect mix of both of us. It was so fun to watch her moving on the screen and making faces at us. She is definitely my child because she did not like us waking her up and seemed to be getting an attitude with us. We also got to see her yawn which was so sweet.

Here are some of our favorite pics:

I also had my 28 week checkup yesterday. Anne Bailey is doing well and everything seems to be on track. Only 11 more weeks to go. We are so excited!!!


  1. She is beautiful! So exciting. She and Audrey Grace are going to have so much fun together! Can't wait.

  2. How cool!! She does look like you! I can't wait to see you next month, I hope I can feel her move around too!

  3. She is beautiful! We are all so excited to meet her!
