Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Friends, Football, and Babies

Lately we have been having so much fun catching up with friends. A couple weekends ago The Newmans, Rowlands, and Luke came in town and we went to Oxford with the Ethridge's for Tommy's 30th birthday. It was so nice to get a night out and enjoy a wonderful dinner with great company. Mel Mel came over and stayed with Anne Bailey while we were gone.

Last weekend I hosted a baby shower at my house for one of my best friends, Leigh Anne. Her and Matt are expecting a sweet baby girl in March. Leslie, another one of my best friends flew in from Colorado and surprised her. We had so much fun hanging out all weekend and talking about old times. Anne Bailey cannot wait to meet Lilly next month! I know they are going to have so much fun together.

Leigh Anne and Hostesses with Anne Bailey

I had to snap a quick family photo before Ruff and Anne Bailey left

Leslie and Anne Bailey were so happy to finally get to meet

On Sunday we went to church and Anne Bailey went to the nursery for the first time. I was so nervous and rushed to get her right when church ended. Of course I had no reason to worry because she had been a perfect angel the whole time.

We ended our great weekend with a Superbowl party at the Harris' house. We made it to halftime and then it was time to go home so Anne Bailey could eat and go to bed. I think she really enjoyed her first Superbowl.

More interested in her bottle than the halftime show

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