Friday, September 14, 2012

"Where's Monkey?"

Anne Bailey's beloved monkey disappeared on Tuesday night!! I am pretty sure we made it home with him on Tuesday after preschool and a few errands but could not find him. I have searched this house up and down like 5 times and called every place we went on Tuesday and he is still missing!! Now if you have paid attention to any picture of Anne Bailey on this blog then you know that monkey is like a 5th member of this family. He goes everywhere with her and is probably her best friend (besides Tatum) so you can imagine how she reacted when he was gone!

Anne Bailey first noticed he was gone after her bath and started asking "where's monkey?" Aunt Melba was here with us that night so they started looking for him. Anne Bailey is usually pretty good at remembering where she put him.  At first she walked around the house saying "monkey, where are you?" and then when she could not find him it turned into her screaming and wanting me to hold her for an hour while I frantically looked for him. Finally she was exhausted and so was I so I told her "monkey went on vacation". Thankfully, she was so tired that she was okay with that answer and went to bed without any problems. Ruff was out of town so when I told him what happened he immediately got online and had 2 overnighted to us. They were not going to be here until Thursday so I had to keep her happy until then!

The next morning went fine and she went on to preschool with out any problems. When I picked her up and we were going home for her to take a nap she started asking about him and telling me "go get him mommy." I knew we were about to have a problem so I told her that "monkey is on vacation at the beach." She then asked me "monkey fishing?" Ha! The rest of the day and that night she had some meltdowns over monkey but we just kept talking about him being at the beach fishing and that he would be home soon.  She did not sleep well that night because she was ready for monkey to be home. Thursday was a complete disaster and she was fussy at school and home. She pretty much refused to sleep or eat. She was missing monkey really bad and so was I!! Unfortunately, monkey did not make it home on Thursday like we had planned. Ruff called to check on him and was told it would be Friday before they arrived!! Are you kidding me?!?

So now here it is Friday afternoon and we have had a rough morning and are still waiting! Monkey, where are you?

We miss you!!