Thursday, January 10, 2013

Happy 6 Months To Emerson!!

Our sweet little Emerson turned 6 months old yesterday!! I cannot believe that in 6 short months she will be one! Where is the time going?!? We are still  having so much fun with her and love watching all the new things she is learning. She is changing so fast and showing us more of her personality every day. She is still such a sweet and happy baby. She loves to smile and show off her two bottom teeth. They are so adorable!! She also loves to laugh at her sister and most recently the dogs. It is so sweet to watch how much she already adores Anne Bailey. She could just watch her big sister play all day long. It brings tears to my eyes to see how sweet they are together! 

Emerson is still on a 3 hour schedule and is taking about 5 bottles a day. She eats baby food two times a day but only the stage 2 foods. She refuses to eat any of the stage 1 foods! Ha! She also takes about three 1 hour naps a day. She has started waking up a little earlier lately but is still sleeping about 10 to 11 hours at night. She is sitting up for extended periods of time, rolling all over the place, grabbing toys and talking, She has not said any words yet even though I have been working very hard on getting her to say mama. Her favorite activities right now are jumping in the Baby Einstein jumper, sitting on the floor and playing,  being tickled. and being held. Her dislike right now is laying down. She is no longer happy laying on the floor playing with her play gym or laying in her bouncy seat or swing. She wants to be sitting up where she can see and be in the action. 

Happy 6 months to our baby girl!!
Love those sweet cheeks and big blue eyes
Sweet sweet smile
"see my teeth"
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1 comment:

  1. Those are adorable pictures!! WOW - 6 months! Can't believe it.
