Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Emerson is 16 Months!

Emerson turned 16 months old on Saturday! I really cannot believe how fast time is going by and how big she is getting. She is the sweetest little thing and loves to cuddle, especially with her mommy! She loves to give hugs and blow kisses. She gives high fives, waves, dances, claps, stomps her feet, and tries to jump which is so cute! She is so busy and is constantly getting into everything. She loves opening drawers, cabinets, hiding things, closing doors, throwing things away and making messes. Ruff and I have a little joke and call her Hurricane Emerson because she just leaves a trail of destruction everywhere she goes! We love it and wouldn't change it for anything! She is saying a few words like, mama, dada, dog, bye bye, sissy, no and duck. Mama is her favoriteword! She also shakes her head no anytime you ask her a question. Emerson is so smart and understands everything we say. She knows where her belly button, eyes, nose, and mouth are. She also loves pulling up her shirt and showing her little chubby belly to us. She has so much fun playing with her big sister and wants to do everything she does. Her favorite things to do are play baby dolls and rock and gives them kisses, play kitchen, read books, color,  and play musical instruments. She is such a happy baby and we are so thankful for that!

Emerson loves most food unlike her sister. Her favorite food is fruit, especially strawberries, blueberries, and watermelon. She also loves pasta, bread, cheese, peas, corn, applesauce, chicken, french fries, mac and cheese, hot dogs, and crackers. She does great using a spoon and feeding herself. She does love making a mess with her food or feeding her food to the dogs. She drinks milk and white grape juice. She sleeps about 11 hours at night from 7:30 to 6:30. She was sleeping later but the time change has messed her up a little. Hopefully she will work that out soon! She also takes about a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. She has several lovies and blankies that she has to sleep with every night. It is pretty adorable to see her cuddled up with all of them!  She also insist on handing everyone of them to me before she will let me get her out of the crib in the morning. She dislikes having her diaper changed, getting dressed, being told no, having her hair washed, and her mommy leaving the room.

Happy 16 months to our sweet baby girl, Emerson. We love you very much!!!



ready for bed

baby love

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