Monday, May 12, 2014

Emerson is 20 Months Old!

Emerson turned 20 months old on April 9!!! She is still so fun and has changed so much in the last few months! Her personality has really started coming out and she is so funny! She is wild and constantly getting into everything! She has no fear and loves to climb and really test her boundaries!! This is a little scary for us!!! She loves to give hugs, run, hide, jump, and laugh. You have to have a hand on her at all times in public because she will seriously take off running!! She thinks she is so big and refuses to sit in a high chair or stroller. She loves her mommy, her big sister, daddy, animals, Mickey Mouse and Elmo. She says tons of words and is talking so much more now. She is saying sentences "I hold you mommy, I want to eat, help me mommy, I play, sit right there, and I watch a show." She loves playing with kitchen and babies. 

She is still taking one 3 hour nap in the afternoons and is sleeping 10-12 hours at night. She has gotten in the habit of wanting to be rocked before bed and waking up wanting me and wanting to get in the bed with us. She also loves her juice and ask for it several times at night if I don't leave a cup in her bed. These are all things I would never of done with Anne Bailey, but this is the second child so I just give in!! She is still a very good water and loves Mexican rice, corn, chicken, hot dogs, Mac and cheese, turkey, cheese, cereal, pop tarts, watermelon, crackers, etc. 

We are having so much fun watching our sweet girl grow!! 

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