Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Emerson is 22 months!

Emerson turned 22 months on May 9th! She is getting so grown! It really breaks my heart that my baby is growing up! She wants to do everything big sister does so she is doing it faster than I would like. She has really found her voice and talks so much! She says complete sentences and can have a conversation with you now. It is so sweet watching her and Anne Bailey talk and play together! Emerson is such an affectionate child and loves to hug, kiss, and cuddle. She loves to run up and hug your leg when you are not looking. She loves watching frozen, playing babies, barbies, kitchen and coloring. She is learning her ABCs, colors, and can count to 5. We are amazed at how much she is learning everyday!

Emerson loves to eat and thankfully is not too picky. She loves grapes, watermelon, cheese, cereal, poptarts, Mac and cheese, chicken, rice, crackers, popcorn, cookies, and suckers. She will try anything and most of the time she likes it. She takes a 3 hour nap most days and sleeps about 10-12 hours at night. She has gotten in the habit of waking up around 2:30 and crying until we put her in the bed with us. She is such a sweet cuddler but she wants to sleep on top of me and gets mad if I move her. I know that I should try harder to break this habit but I kind of like her wanting to cuddle with me. I know this is me wanting to keep her a baby.  I can't believe she will be 2 in a couple of months! I am so not ready for her to be a toddler!!

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