Monday, October 25, 2010

Anne Bailey's Baptism

Anne Bailey was baptized yesterday at First Presbyterian Church. It was such a special day for her and our family and we are so proud. She wore the same christening gown that Ruff wore 30 years ago. It belonged to Daintry's grandfather and was also worn by Nat, Daintry, Natty, Field and many others. It is such a special gown and I am so glad that Anne Bailey is now a part of that tradition.

Anne Bailey behaved perfectly and slept most of the service. She did wake up for the baptism and loved having all the attention on her. Anne Bailey had lots of family and friends there to support her. She is such a lucky little girl to have so many wonderful people that love her. After the service we had everyone over for lunch to celebrate the big day. We had such a great day and are so thankful to everyone for coming.

Our family of 3

My sister

Molly and Emily

Everyone that attended minus a few

My sweet family

The Thomas Family

4 generations of Thomas Family

Anne Bailey and her cousin Will(they are 7 weeks apart)


Judy, Ginger and Will

Daintry, Emily, Anne Bailey, Maggie and Bennett

Anne Bailey's beautiful christening cake

1 comment:

  1. Those pics are soo sweet! I'm glad she was happy and not the opposite! Sorry I missed coming!
