Monday, May 6, 2013

33 Months Old!

Anne Bailey is growing up! She turned 2 years and 9 months on Saturday!! I can't believe it is time to start planning her 3rd birthday.  She still is the sweetest, funniest, and smartest little girl. She is so tenderhearted and gets her feeling hurt very easily. She worries about others and wants them to be happy. She loves to tell us about what she learned at school and amazes us daily about what she knows! She is always being silly and sings and dances all day. She knows tons of songs and even makes up her own. Her favorite songs are Yankee Doodle, Itsy Bitsy Spider, If Your Happy and You Know It and Jesus Loves Me. Anne Bailey talks constantly and asks tons of questions. Some of our favorite things she says right now are "I'm happy, Surprise, I need a band-aid to make to me feel better, What did you bring me? and take me to the mirror so I can see myself cry."  Can you say drama queen already?!? She also loves her baby sister so much and loves to make her laugh. She is always very concerned about her and brings her toys, comforts her if she is crying, and tells on her if she is doing something she should not. She has lots of silly names for her like little sweetie, little chunky girl, baby sister, my baby, silly Emerson and our favorite, little roly poly Yankee Doodle Emerson. Ha!

Anne Bailey is still sleeping great but is waking some nights with nightmares. Sometimes she just needs to be comforted and will go back to sleep in her bed. Other nights there is no comforting her so she ends up in our bed. I really am trying not to make a habit of this!  She is eating better but is still pretty picky. Her main foods right now are chicken, french fries, mac and cheese, pizza, cheese toast, cheese, waffles, poptarts, cereal, crackers, yogurt and fruit snacks. There is not much healthy stuff in there but at least she is eating. Her dislikes right now are dirt and bugs. If she get any dirt on her she immediately wants it off! Also, if she sees a bug anywhere she wants you to "get it." She dislikes bugs so much they are usually the subject of her nightmares. She loves playing outside with her riding toys, swinging, baths, going to school, Dora, Mickey Mouse, wearing her princess shoes and coloring. We are having so much fun with our sweet girl!!

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