Thursday, April 26, 2012

Visiting Friends

Last weekend Ruff was still at furniture market so Anne Bailey and I went to Clinton to stay with the Rowland Family. On Friday night Krisa and I decided to take the girls and do a little shopping. We had quite an adventure with a flat tire and 3 hungry and sleepy kids. Thankfully Taylor came to the rescue and had us back on the road soon after.

On Saturday we went to Vicksburg to visit the Newman's and go to Riverfest. It was pretty chilly that day so we ended up going back to the Newman's house and just hanging out. The girls had lots of fun playing and pretty much destroyed the house! That night after the girls went to sleep Krisa and I went to a yummy dinner at Julep. It was so nice to get out for awhile and catch up with my old college roomy. We had a great weekend visiting with friends!

Having fun playing in the girls room Saturday morning

Playing dress up

The girls at Riverfest( Mary Morgan, Kennedy, AB and Audrey Grace)


Anne Bailey and Audrey Grace enjoying some ice cream

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