Monday, April 30, 2012

Such A Big Girl

In preparation for Emerson's arrival in a few months we are making some changes around here. The first change is getting Anne Bailey out of her crib and into a big girl bed. On Sunday we decided to begin the transition and turn her crib into a toddler bed. I have to admit I am a little sad about this because it means she growing up! I can't believe in a few short months my baby will be two and will be a big sister!! It is so crazy how fast time goes by and how quickly your babies turn into toddlers!

Okay, Now that I have had my moment, back to the crib story :)! We are also very nervous about putting her into a toddler bed because she has always been a great sleeper and if she wakes up a little early she will just play in her crib until we come and get her. Now that she can get out is this all going to change?!? We are proud to announce that Anne Bailey slept in her toddler bed all night and stayed in it even after she woke up this morning!!! I know this may change as she gets more comfortable with getting in and out of the bed but we are just so happy that she seems to be adjusting just fine.

Next step is potty training and moving into a big girl room with an even bigger bed! Wish us luck!!!

Anne Bailey thinks that baby can help with the crib

So sweet to shine the flashlight so daddy can see

Sweet Girl!

Look at the mess she made while daddy was working

Trying out the finished product

All ready for a sleepy toddler
Anne Bailey this morning after a good night's sleep (and everyone wonders why I always have a bow in her hair)

1 comment:

  1. ADORABLE PIC!!!!!!! Love that hair! What a cute toddler bed conversion! Can't wait to see it in person in a month and a half.
