Wednesday, April 10, 2013

9 months old!

Emerson turned 9 months old yesterday!! I am sad thinking about her getting big but excited about all the new things she does daily. She is so sweet and has the sweetest little smile. She is still a mommy's girl but is becoming very fond of Ruff! It is so cute to watch her try and flirt with him!! She adores her big sister and thinks Anne Bailey is so funny! Emerson is army crawling all over the place and is into everything. She is so busy and is not happy just sitting. Ruff and I joke that she is going to be the quiet, sneaky one that we are going to have watch at all times! She does talk some but still only says Da Da. She claps, waves, gives high five, leans in for kisses and reaches for you to hold her. She can also stand for long periods of time if you are holding her hands.  

She is still taking 4 bottles a day and is eating cereal, puffs, yogurt melts, yogurt, mashed fruits and veggies. She must be going through a growth spurt because she is hungry all the time! She LOVES to eat!! Emerson has 4 cute little teeth! She is taking 2 two hour naps a day and is sleeping about 11 hours at night. She does wake sometimes in the night starving and wanting a bottle but hopefully that will not last long. Her likes are food, swinging, bouncing, baths, riding in her pink car, and playing with Emerson.

We are so thankful for this sweet girl!!!

So cute!


Bored already

"Yay, a toy!"

"Now I am happy!"

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