Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Emerson is 14 months!

Emerson turned 14 months on Monday! She is such a little toddler now and it makes me sad! She is walking everywhere and is into everything! She loves to play with toys and will pitch a fit if you take a toy away or stop her from playing. She loves playing in Anne Bailey's room and wants to do everything her big sister does. Anne Bailey is not always happy about this so little sister gets her feelings hurt a lot. Emerson's favorite toys right now are stacking cups, baby dolls, push stroller, and AB's kitchen. It is so sweet watching her hug and pat her baby dolls. She also loves sitting in chairs right now! She goes around daily sitting in all the kid chairs and if a chair is too big she will pat it until you put her in it. Emerson is very smart and understands what we are saying. She will stop doing something if you tell her no. Also, if we tell her to go get something she will.

Emerson is talking all the time but still doesn't say many words. She knows mama, dada, bye bye, and cheese but chooses not to say them. She recently started saying tickle tickle when you try and tickle her and it is the cutest thing ever! She does know some sign language, eat and more, but mostly just points and whines until she gets what she wants. Emerson still loves to eat! She eats watermelon, strawberries, grapes, Mandarin oranges, mac and cheese, ravioli, chicken, hot dogs, fries, waffles, bread, cheese, peas, carrots, etc. She is not eating as much as she used to but that is normal at the age. She does let us know when she is done eating because she throws it on the floor for the dogs. She is sleeping about 10-11 hours at night and is taking one nap in the afternoon from about 1-3. Emerson's dislikes right now are getting dressed, changing her diaper, and not letting her do what she wants.
Emerson waves bye bye, plays peek a boo, claps, blows kisses, shakes her head no, blows on hot food,  and dances to music.

Here are a few pictures of our busy 14 month old!



not happy

sweet Emerson

finally a smile

not happy again

pretty girl

my favorite

1 comment:

  1. Precious pics of a precious baby!!!! MC had a dress just like that when she was around that age!!
