Monday, July 16, 2012

Emerson is 1 Week Old

I cannot believe that Emerson is 1 week old already! She is doing so good and is the sweetest little baby. She is taking about 3 ounces of formula 8 times a day and is sleeping 3 to 4 hours at a time. She is able to hold her head up for small periods of times, grasp or reach for objects close to her, and focus her eyes very well. Her likes are sleeping, cuddling with mommy or daddy, hanging out with big sister, swinging, and eating. Her dislikes are having her diaper changed and baths. We are just loving every minute with sweet Emerson!!

Here is what Emerson has been up to this week:
sweet yawning

getting kisses from her big sister
looking cute
cuddling with her daddy
hanging out at the park while big sister plays
posing in their matching outfits
lots of  sleeping
meeting her BFF, Cordie

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  1. Emerson is beautiful!! Congrats! I love her name. Kasey Chrismond

  2. Wow angelia, she is really pretty!! Her face isn't as round as Anne Bailey's was. She's already starting to look so different!

    Can't wait to meet her! XOXOX

  3. Enjoyed our visit the other day! Emerson is so adorable. Looking forward to seeing yall tonight - Allie
