Wednesday, May 4, 2011

9 months old

Anne Bailey is 9 months old today! She continues to be the sweetest, most laid back, and happiest baby. She has the cutest little personality and loves to smile, laugh, and make faces at us. I am absolutely loving this stage and wish she would stay this age forever! She is very busy and is constantly moving. Still no crawling, only rolling! She has also started to pull up and can go from her stomach to sitting. Besides eating her cereal and baby foods she is also eating puffs, yogurt melts, baby yogurt, banana, bread, potatoes, and peas. Right now her new obsession is books. She LOVES books! She will sit in the floor for an hour with the same book turning the pages, pointing at pictures, talking to it, and getting mad at it. It is so fun to watch her! She also loves to bounce, be outside, stroll, swing, stand up, watch Baby Einstein, and wear cute smocked dresses!

Happy 9 months old Anne Bailey!


  1. she's getting prettier by the day!

  2. BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Wish I could hold that precious little one! Love y'all!!! :o)
