Friday, May 20, 2011

Pool Party

Anne Bailey has really loved having her friend Tatum in town. Today they had a pool party at our house. It was so fun to watch them because they were having a full on conversation with each other. They also splashed, screamed, chewed on toys, read books, and pulled on each other's hair and bathing suits. They are just too cute!!!

I wonder what they are talking about

So cute!

Sweet friends

Splashing is fun

Of course Laura and I had to take some naked pictures of them. We will hold on to these until they are 18 and bring them out at their graduation party. They are going to love that us for that!


  1. They also splashed, screamed, chewed on toys, read books, and pulled on each other's hair and bathing suits.pool maintenance nj

  2. The most interesting text on this interesting topic that can be found on the net ... cost of maintaining a pool
